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A teacher at my school was sick of remembering all the different bell schedules, so I created an app to make things easier. The whole school loves it.

Reddit Score: 259

Autoslap - a Node CLI tool that automatically installs and configures ESLint, Prettier, Husky and lint-staged

Reddit Score: 13

What's the most dirty thing you've had to work with in code and how did you solve them?

Reddit Score: 156


Did you know you can add CUSTOM LINKS to display in this section?

Open the SETTINGS panel and add the URLs of your favorites sites to the 'CUSTOM LINKS' textarea.

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switch to gitlab
Repo: GoogleChrome/puppeteer

Issue #1341

How to get the inner text of elements from the return values of page.$$

Repo: GoogleChrome/puppeteer

Issue #3051

How to get text from a element ?

Repo: apollographql/graphql-tag

Issue #131

Parse variables

Repo: apollographql/apollo-client

Issue #3967

It is not possible to pass Authorization header to WebSocket

Repo: ForgiveMistake/thank-you

Issue #293

It is not about thanks and apologize, but how you face it. Keep struggle, fight on.